A world of difference

The Bonnefantenmuseum combines, in a building by Aldo Rossi, private and public collections with both old master painting and sculpture as cutting edge contemporary art. Furthermore it hosts the so-called Rijksmuseum Maastricht and collections focused both on medieval applied arts (Neutelings) as on mainstream contemporary (Vandenhove).


It’s aim is not to often the extremes, but to present them in their own right. Why not accept the differences? We keep them in the air, just as the juggler does with his skittles. Does the essence of magic not lie in the handling of abnormality and difference (risk), instead of normality and equal standards? Profile the eccentric location demands eccentric positions.


– to show international developments in contemporary art from 1980.
– to link the art of the Southern Netherlands until 1625 to that of South European cultural centres in Italy and France.
– to show work by artists from the region, the Netherlands and the Euregion in connection with international developments.
In this:
– there is a focus on individual oeuvres.
– there is emphasis on the spiritual wealth of art besides its aesthetic value.
– there is encouragement to form personal opinions.
– we are a museum ‘with a view’.

Avenue Ceramique 250
NL-6221 KX Maastricht

PO Box 1735

NL-6201 BS Maastricht
T:+31 (0)43 3290190 (Tue- Fri)

F: +31 (0)43 3290199 E: info@bonnefanten.nl

Getting  There:– Car

A2, exit Europaplein, look for signs to district 21 (‘wijk 21’).

Limited parking space at the museum, entrance Daemslunet.

Walking distance: Parking Garages Q-park Ceramique Noord and Ceramique Zuid

– Bus

1, 3, 50, 53, 54, 57
departure: central station stop Bonnefantenmuseum

– Walking

Approximately 15 minutes walking distance from the central station and city centre
