The National Museum of Hungary is best-known for its displays about Hungarian and Magyar history, which chronicle the development of the nation and its people over centuries.

In the second half of the 19th century, outstanding scholars worked within the walls of the Museum, such as Ágoston Kubinyi, Flóris Rómer, József Hampel and Ferenc Pulszky.
The developing collections grew over the walls of the institute. Besides, the development of the international museology pointed to forming specialized museums. Therefore, in 1872, the Museum of Applied arts, in 1896, the Museum of Fine Arts were founded from some collection of the Hungarian National Museum. In 1926 and 1927 the museum went under a full reconstruction. According to the plans of Jenő Lechner, new storage rooms were opened in the attic, to solve the stocking problems.

In 1949, a new act concerning the Hungarian museums came in effect. As stated by that act, the Ethnographic and the Natural History Museum had to separate from the Hungarian National Museum and to create the independent National Széchenyi Library. In the 1960s some distinguished monuments and buildings got under the direction of the Hungarian National Museum as affiliated institutes such as King Mathias Museum in Visegrád, Rákóczi Museum in Sárospatak and Kosuth Museum in Monok. In 1985, the Castle Museum in Esztergom joined the affiliated museums.

Hungarian National Museum in Budapest

During two hundred years passed since its foundation, enormous and mainly irreplacable collection of artefacts and documents has been collected at the Hungarian Natiional Museum. Without the archaeological, historical, ethnical relics, we would only have incomplet knowledge on the history of the people of Carpathian Basin.


Opening times:
From 10 am to 6 pm everyday
The museum is closed on Mondays

The Hungarian National Museum
1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 14-16.
Telephone: (36-1) 338-2122, (36-1) 327-7700, (36-1) 327-7773
Fax: (36-1) 317-78-06

Official Hungarian National Museum Website